I just LOVE the way that Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to pen these words to a young pastor:
"...fan into flames the gift of God... " "...make full use of..." or in the KJV "...stir up the gift..."
In 2 Tim 1:6 we are urged and compelled to do something to initiate the process of developing and using our "inner fire" or "gift". In this particular passage of scripture the reference is to a gift imparted through the laying on of hands during what we would call an ordination, but the principle applies in so many other areas.
Let's take writing for example, if we are honest muses don't really exist. There are certain events, and people that may inspire us, or moments of creativity can at times descend like a curtain in our minds and we pen some of the most beautiful things we've ever written. But if we wait for those moments, we will be like the man at the pool of Bethesda, in our condition a long time. If we indeed have been born again, we have the One who troubles the water on the inside of us. We have no business waiting poolside any longer.
Frankly, if you've nothing important to say, by all means, continue to wait for whatever it is you are waiting for. However, if you feel like Jeremiah, and you've become weary of holding back and His Word is as a fire shut up in your bones, then you must write.
The Apostle Paul admits unabashedly "for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! (1 Cor 9:16)". In the Message bible it reads "I'm compelled to do it, and doomed if I don't!" Now that is PASSION! That is an inner fire that was fanned into flames.
We have got to get the Word out. Now I enjoy preaching from a pulpit. In fact if you are a pastor or have a ministry and you desire a guest speaker, let me know. But I am willing to get His message out by any means necessary. Be it blogging, tweeting, evangelizing at the playground...woe is me, if I preach not the gospel!
We can no longer allow imaginary walls to keep us from pursuing our passions. It is up to us to stir up the gift. It is up to us to run head on into the unknown until we find inspiration. We can't wait for mythological creatures to stir it up for us.
Go stir it up!
{E.W. Kenyon communicates this very point so poignantly and powerfully in his tiny book "Sign Posts on the Road to Success" It is a must read for every Christian. I read it, and re-read it. I read it to my children. It is the perfect "kick in the pants" I need at times to get going when I require a little extra impetus.}