Sunday, April 10, 2011

To Write or Not to Write?

I meet so many people who say, "One day I'll write a book...", yet they never do. They decide this based on some womderful insight they have into a common human condition or an amazing experience they had.  Well, I say to most of them..."Go for it!"  And I say to you "Go for it!" 
I know that we are moving toward a paperless society.  We do e-statements, e-bills, and e-mail.  Hey, I am even blogging instead of journalling in a notebook.  However, there is something about the printed word that is here to stay.  There is a passion within the human soul to discover other worlds, viewpoints and processes written in pen or pencil on... you guessed it; paper.
So if you are at those crossroads and are considering writing something, anything; write it.
Then, once you've written it, get it out there.  Anyone who knows me, knows that it doesn't take long for me to look for a way to help someone get the Word out.  Jesus said "..."This Good News about the kingdom will be spread throughout the world as a testimony to all nations. Then the end will come."(Matt 24:14 God's Word)  Well, there are places that won't let missionaries in, and there is also a profound lack of laborers willing to go.  Yet a book, mini book, tract, pamplet, e-book, blog, etc can get in there and get the message out.
You don't have to be the Pope or Joel Osteen, we each have a unique relationship with the Lord as Christians, and from those insights we gain from being with Him, studying His Word and living by faith, we can write it down and get it out.

Check out Everything in Writing to help you get started.